


1. 绿茶:色泽翠绿,香气清新,口感鲜爽。如西湖龙井、碧螺春等。

2. 红茶:色泽红艳,香气浓郁,口感醇厚。如祁门红茶、滇红等。

3. 乌龙茶:色泽介于绿茶和红茶之间,香气独特,口感甘醇。如铁观音、大红袍等。

4. 白茶:色泽白嫩,香气清雅,口感甘甜。如白毫银针、白牡丹等。

5. 黄茶:色泽黄绿,香气醇厚,口感鲜爽。如君山银针、黄山毛峰等。

6. 黑茶:色泽黑亮,香气独特,口感醇厚。如普洱茶、六堡茶等。


1. 叶片:茶叶叶片完整,无破损,色泽均匀。假茶叶叶片破碎,颜色不均。

2. 茶芽:茶叶芽头饱满,无杂质。假茶叶芽头瘦小,甚至无芽。
3. 茶梗:茶叶茶梗粗细适中,无杂质。假茶叶茶梗细小,甚至无茶梗。

4. 气味:茶叶气味清新,无异味。假茶叶气味刺鼻,甚至有化工产品味道。


1. 香气:正宗茶叶香气浓郁,持久。假茶叶香气淡薄,甚至无香气。

2. 汤色:正宗茶叶汤色清澈明亮,无杂质。假茶叶汤色浑浊,甚至有沉淀物。

3. 口感:正宗茶叶口感醇厚,回味悠长。假茶叶口感苦涩,回味短。

















1. 抗氧化作用:茶叶中的茶多酚等成分具有强大的抗氧化作用,可以清除体内的自由基,降低癌症风险。

2. 抗炎作用:茶叶中的儿茶素等成分具有抗炎作用,可以减轻炎症反应,降低癌症风险。

3. 降脂作用:茶叶中的茶多酚等成分可以降低血脂,改善心血管功能,降低癌症风险。

桑拿4. 增强免疫力:茶叶中的多种生物活性成分可以增强人体免疫力,提高对癌症的抵抗力。


















































1. 桑拿房:采用天然石材打造,分为高温和低温桑拿房,有助于排除体内毒素,促进血液循环。

2. 蒸汽房:采用优质蒸汽发生器,让顾客在舒适的环境中,享受蒸汽浴的养生功效。

桑拿3. 水疗池:设有多种按摩功能,如气泡、水柱、震动等,帮助缓解疲劳,放松身心。

4. 按摩区:提供专业按摩师为您服务,针对不同部位进行针对性按摩,缓解肌肉酸痛。

5. 游泳馆:宽敞的游泳池,让您在享受游泳乐趣的同时,锻炼身体。



1. 顾客入店后,前台服务员会热情接待,为您提供免费茶水、水果等。

2. 洗浴过程中,专业按摩师会为您提供个性化服务,让您感受到宾至如归的待遇。

3. 中心设有会员制度,会员可享受优惠价格、积分兑换等特权。

4. 中心定期举办各类活动,如节日优惠、会员专享等,让顾客在享受高品质洗浴的同时,感受到家的温馨。


Chen Qi settled down after confirming his own situation. He estimated that it would take him at least one year to make a shot at the small, shining, refining and refining real immortal series. It was really extraordinary. If someone else changed any spell, the impact of Xuan Huang Qi and Yin Yang Qi would also be gone.

When Chen Qi was in the sea of clouds and Qingcheng Mountain, he also read the geographical atlas, and even sealed a copy in his astrolabe. At this time, he can barely set a general position with the help of the stars.
"I’m now in the pastoral cloud border, even if I’m not there, it’s almost far away. The pastoral cloud country is a few big countries in the western regions, and I’m busy enough to find a city and do it again …"
Although Chen Qi can determine the approximate orientation, the accuracy of astrological positioning is not enough, and the deviation needs to be calculated in tens of thousands of miles. Fortunately, this journey is unimaginable for ordinary people, but it is just ordinary for him, such as a gas refiner. After Chen Qi killed this group of green wolves and demons, he continued on the road and never cared about the problem of food and water sources.
The vast grasslands in the western regions do not belong to China. After Chen Qi left Kyushu for three days, although the road killed many monster beasts, he has not seen anyone. Although his heart is still calm, the little thief can’t help but smile bitterly. Most of his mana is fighting with the white boy. Tens of millions of tiny flashes can’t escape the light and can’t fly. I don’t know how long it will take to walk.
Chen Qi casually kicked a long grass and sat down to put the dirty black lotus beside him with a layer of protection. It is not easy for him to take out this instrument to transport it. The rest of the instruments and mana have to be counted to refine the body thunder mana. Fortunately, the dirty black lotus is also extraordinary, but it is enough to protect itself.
Chen Qi meditated for three or four hours, and then a water spell was brought up, and some water vapor was pumped out to moisten his throat, and he was in high spirits again. It seems that his brother has little need of diet and occasional supplement to support dozens of days.
Chen Qi was about to walk again when suddenly a faint monster beast roared from the wind. After he smiled and walked for more than ten miles, Chen Qi saw a small earthen mountain, which was not very high. Seven men and women were fighting against the mountain, and there were thousands of monster beasts through it.
"Look at their mana. It should be the imperial secretary of Cang Lang, but look at their spells. They are all very poor. They should not be cousins. At most, they are registered brothers of major tribes."
Chen Qi had some disputes with Li Yanyan and Li Yunniang, two female brothers of Lingjiu Palace, and had played against Cang Lang’s two brothers, Gongjing Ji and Gongyueying, so he didn’t know anything about the western regions and learned several Lingjiu Palace spells.
Chapter three hundred and ninety-seven Governing all beasts
Chen Qi’s intention is to hide his figure. There are also many monsters with keen senses. He soon found this young man walking alone in the vast grassland.
To say that Chen Qishen’s fire crow cassock is really good, the situation is too long for the thief to deliberately let go, and the dragon tactic has not swallowed this multiplier series cassock, and the black lotus flower slowly flies around Chen Qishen, which makes the thief’s head reveal a strange smell.
However, most of these monster beasts have very low wisdom and Chen Qi did not deliberately release coercion. Immediately, dozens of monster beasts descended on Chen Qi, who wanted to defile the black lotus and collected the spirit of this group of monster beasts. But suddenly, he moved in his heart and brought up the Buddhist mana that had been slightly restored recently. He drank a little and gently sang "The King’s Sutra of Darani’s Virtual Hidden Dirt"
Singing in Tianlong Zen, a little magical power, can inspire Chen Qi’s words and sounds, and it can contain a complete Sutra of the King of the Great Darani. These cultural seals have fallen on the forehead of the monster beast, and they are about to win the Chen Qi Buddhism. These monster beasts cried and fell beside Chen Qi to make a conversion.
Chen Qican smiled and walked slowly towards the monster beast group trapped at the foot of the mountain. Those monsters who were awed by his Buddhism followed behind him, which also set off the little thief’s head with a somewhat Buddhist virtue. His fire crow robes looked quite discordant.
Chen Qi’s boldness surprised the people trapped on the hill, and someone shouted, "Don’t move on, Taoist priest. These monsters are fierce. If Taoist priest can go to our camp in the west for help, he will be grateful and very happy!"
Chen Qi also ignored the man yelling that he was still walking rather slowly. After being slightly surprised, another group of monster beasts suddenly launched fierce attacks and rushed to want to bite Chen Qi. The Great Darani Virtual Hidden Dirt King Sutra fell on these monster heads, and immediately converted to Chen Qi’s monster beast. When there were so many more monsters, they immediately appeared to have some potential. They brought similar monsters to escape, but they also felt offended and rushed to tear Chen Qi into pieces.
Those people on the hill came to return Chen Qi, although some mana can’t resist so many monster beasts, but when Chen Qi slowly walked into the mouth of the monster beast group, he didn’t know what scripture had been moved, and there were a series of ofuda flying out and landing on the monster beast heads, which could make these monster beasts look like kittens, and then he knew from great joy that there was hope of escape.
After subduing hundreds of monster beasts, Chen Qi used the magic power of Tianlong Zen to shake and repair the highest monster beast pronunciation orifices in turn, so that these monster beasts could recite scriptures with themselves. Although these monster beasts were very low in repair, there were a lot of them. With the help of these monster beasts, Chen Qi gradually turned the scriptures of The King’s Sutra of the Great Darani into a mandala array.
Chen Qi suddenly had an idea that he wanted to refine the body thunder mana at least one year now, but if there is external force, it will reduce the refining of these mana. Among them, the simplest way is to use external force to practice too much. Although these monsters are very low in mana, they are better than enough, and the number of monsters in the western prairie is several times more than the population. It is not a problem to ask him to spend some time to collect them.
"Even though these monsters have low mana, it’s better to be undernourished than nothing."
It was this idea that Chen Qi made moves to drop these monster beasts on those Cang Lang Jingu brothers, but he didn’t put them in his heart. When Chen Qi put the monster beasts in a position, the singing power of Tianlong Zen increased by three to five points. As Chen Qi slowly approached, the monster beasts besieged the mountains were constantly put into Chen Qi’s command. He was like a majestic person who ruled all animals, and it seemed that he had the power to make all animals worship.
When Chen Qi reached the foot of the mountain, he had already lowered his monster beast by over a thousand heads, and the rest of the monster beasts knew that they couldn’t resist this young call. They all gave in. Chen Qi didn’t climb the mountain, but stayed at the foot of the mountain for a while and then walked around the hill.
The king of the monster beast saw Chen Qi’s refusal to give up and cried, and all the departments gathered in one place for less than half an hour. After that, it was not this group of monster beasts who were besieging the hill, but Chen Qi commanded the monster beast to surround the group that refused to drop.
Chen Qiyi recited scripture and felt a little strange secretly. "What happened to these monsters? Seeing that I can’t resist my crossing, I still refuse to leave. Is there any force behind them that dares to leave? "
Chen Qi surrounded this group of monster beasts and sat cross-legged for a while. It seems that heaven and earth are everywhere. The scripture "The King’s Sutra of the Great Darani Concealing Dirt" is very strange to read this Buddhist magical power. Whenever creatures are crossed, they must truly convert and can’t regenerate their rebellious thoughts. Either the remaining monster beasts are repaired higher or the speed of Chen Qi’s crossing the monster beast is slowed down.
Those scriptures condensed into true species and floated in the middle. Although they were resisted by the demon force, they couldn’t fall on a monster’s body, but they refused to disperse. Gradually, they became overbearing from softness. When Chen Qi sat in the vault of the herd, he reached out and pointed a finger, and several scriptures fell abruptly. A powerful king beast was successfully crossed, and a king beast was crossed, and its wings protected the herd from nature, so he joined Chen Qi. On this side, Chen Qilian pointed to seventeen fingers, and the trapped herd was less than half.
The seven people trapped in the mountain have rode up the mountain to see Chen Qi surrounded by several wild animals. Although they are not afraid, they can’t walk over. Can they shout, "Thank you for your help? Can we kowtow to him face to face?"
Chen Qizheng is comfortable crossing these monster beasts where there is luxury to ignore them. These people are not well-advised and always don’t leave. The little thief gets upset and suddenly looks back at them and even points to seven scriptures to detain them, crossing these people together with people and horses.
Thousands of monster beasts read the scriptures together, which really shook Chen Qiti’s Buddhist mana slightly. First, Buddhist mana is not like Xuan Huang Qi and Yin Yang Qi. Second, it is hidden in my consciousness. When Chen Qi oscillated with external force, there was a lot of mana loose. Chen Qi gradually felt that mana grew up. At last, more than a thousand scriptures flew out of the herd like dragons. In less than an hour, this group of monster beasts had all fallen.
Although there are more than 100 monsters in this group of monsters who barely practice the orifices, most of the rest are just preliminary understandings of the true qi fetal movement, even the true qi fetal movement is not stable, but Chen Qi, who subdued these monsters, still decided to be here in a few days and restore some mana first.
Chen Qidu didn’t hesitate to consume some skill when he melted these monsters. He made some repairs and made some holes in the throat to make people recite the scriptures. The rest of the monsters were too weak to roar, which just slightly coincided with the rhythm in the Buddhist scriptures.
After staying in this hill for two days, Chen Qi suddenly realized that there was a shock and a ray of Buddha’s light in the sea, which revealed that it was the "King Sutra of the Great Darani" that majored in the great Darani’s heart-cutting demon, anger Wang Jian, a small magical power that broke through many obstacles and reappeared to make Chen Qi lucky.
"Good though it is, it has just restored a little bit of mana, but it is one more way. Since this practice is really feasible, I will go to collect more monster beasts … even the grassland tribes in the western regions are not unable to cross over." Chen Qi glanced at the seven men and women and suddenly moved and added this sentence.
Chen Qi perked up and couldn’t help laughing. "I can escape my life from a true fairy hand. I’m Chen Qi, but I can’t help you for the time being. Now that I’m back, I’ve just published the Tao Te Ching and tried to condense the elixir as soon as possible after refining the body thunder mana."